2 minute read

Arab TV Shows Incite Anti-Semitism

Anti-Israel and anti-Semitic statements are frequent on both children’s and adult TV shows from Arab and Muslim countries. In continuing to exploit Disney-like or even Disney characters to disseminate anti-Semitic propaganda, the Algemeiner and Jerusalem Post reported that the self-described “official voice of Donald Duck in the Middle East” declared...

< 1 minute read

Peace Treaties with Rockets?

As the world closely watches the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, rockets continue to be fired into Israel from Gaza just a few miles away. While Hamas is not launching these rockets, as it wants to maintain the ceasefire with Israel, Israel holds Hamas responsible as the...

2 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

BBC Persian Service promotes anti-Semitic Holocaust denier Atzmon The BBC’s promotion of Gilad Atzmon is not novel, but translation into Farsi for broadcast in Iran is a new low. (BBC Watch) BBC resurrects Knell’s ‘one-state’ campaigning article An old article promoting the ‘one-state solution’ as a panacea to the troubles...

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