Ari Klein

SUNY Albany
Articles by Ari

Ari Klein is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow. Originally from Buffalo, New York. He is very active in his Jewish community, both locally and at school.

Aviad Levy

SUNY Binghamton
Articles by Aviad

Aviad Levy is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow and a political Science major at Binghamton University. He attended Ramaz Upper School in Manhattan and the Israel XP Program at Bar Ilan University. Aviad lives in Tenafly, NJ.

Rachael Lamden

University of California, Berkeley
Articles by Rachael

Rachael Lamden is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. She is a senior at UC Berkeley, majoring in Psychology and pursuing a Certificate in Technology and Entrepreneurship from the School of Engineering while also following a Pre-Dental Track. Her dedication to Israel advocacy is reflected in her active involvement in multiple campus clubs, student organizations, and student government initiatives.

Noah Levy

Brandeis University
Articles by Noah

Noah Levy is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at Brandeis University studying economics and triple minoring in Hebrew, Legal Studies, and Business.

Robert May
Articles by Robert

Robert May is a student of Government and Middle Eastern Studies at Ben-Gurion University. He also volunteers at DIPLOACT, an Israeli organization dedicated to advocacy for the State of Israel. In the past, he served in a classified role in the Israeli Navy. Robert’s aim is to tell the true story of the State of Israel and to counter the lies spread against the world’s only Jewish state.

Alana Goldman

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Articles by Alana

Alana Goldman is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill double-majoring in Global Studies and English & Comparative Literature. Alana spent two months interning for Ethiopian National Project in Lod, Israel and emerged from the experience passionate about progressive Zionism. She is currently Vice President of UNC Hillel’s student board and the secretary of her Jewish sorority, Sigma Rho Lambda.

Sivan Neimrof

Duke University
Articles by Sivan

Sivan Neimrof is a freshman at Duke University. Last year he was based in Jerusalem on the Kivunim gap year program learning about Zionism, Jewish communities in Israel and in the diaspora, while taking Hebrew and Arabic classes. During his visits to ten countries while on Kivunim he was able to truly appreciate and comprehend how critical the land and state of Israel is to the Jewish people. In his free time, Sivan is a cellist, having performed at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center with the New York Youth Symphony.

Gabriel Gaysinsky

University of California, Davis
Articles by Gabriel

Gabriel Gaysinsky is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at the University of California, Davis. third-year student at UC Davis. He studies International Relations and Middle Eastern/South Asian Studies with the hope of entering a career in diplomacy and peace building in the Middle-East. On campus, he is an executive board member of student group, Aggies For Israel.

Amelie Mitchell

Durham University
Articles by Amelie Mitchell

Amelie Mitchel is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at Durham University. She is in her third year of an English Literature degree at Grey College, aiming to work in Journalism or Publishing. She hopes to use her passion for writing and commitment to free speech to share balanced information about Israel, and challenge the antisemitism rampant in the student body.

Rojin-Sena Cantay

University of Exeter
Articles by Rojin-Sena

Rojin-Sena Cantay is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at the University of Exeter. Rojin-Sena believes building bridges among communities will only occur when factual truths are spread to increase discussion. It is no coincidence that the mainstream coverage of Israel has often remained insufficient in doing this. Challenging the hate for Israel within the media and university campuses will be through education.

Billy Alexander

University of East Anglia
Articles by Billy Alexander

Billy Alexander is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at the University of East Anglia studying Accounting and Finance. He has always felt a strong bond to Israel due to a large amount of family living there. He hopes he can make the Zionist view a much more common one on campus and prevent the spread of misinformation.

Itel Nagli

Florida State University
Articles by Itel

Itel Nagli is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at Florida State University majoring in Marketing. She grew up in Miami, Florida and has been heavily involved in the Jewish community and values the role it plays in her life. She is the current President of Chabad at FSU.

Sabrina Soffer

The George Washington University
Articles by Sabrina

Sabrina Soffer is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at the George Washington University and a Philosophy & Public Affairs and Judaic Studies major in the college’s honors program. She is a columnist for the Times of Israel and the GW Hatchet, is Vice President of Chabad on her campus, and is a member of GW for Israel and a Jewish educational organization, MEOR.

Madeleine Ferris 

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Articles by Madeleine

Madeleine Ferris recently graduated from King’s College London with First Class Honours in Religion Philosophy and Ethics. She is now pursuing her Masters at The Hebrew University in Law, specialising in Human Rights and Transitional Justice. She has completed internships at a variety of organisations, such as the International Centre for Peace and Cooperation, the Jerusalem institute of Justice and Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs. She hopes to pursue a career in public affairs and diplomacy.

Chaim Friedman

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Articles by Chaim

Chaim Friedman was born in New York, and raised in Tel Mond, Israel. After finishing high school, he attended Yeshivat Hakotel before drafting to Chatal, the R&D unit for the Israeli Ground Forces, where dealt with technological solutions to terror and its installations. He is currently a student of PPE at the Hebrew University.

Talia Emrani

University of California, Los Angeles
Articles by Talia

Talia Emrani is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles studying psychology. Talia is a passionate and highly motivated student who is deeply committed to all forms of learning, including Israel education. She has visited Israel four times, participated in numerous workshops for combating anti-Israel rhetoric, and constantly keeps up with current events in Israel, all of which have equipped her with the skills necessary for taking positive action against harmful anti-Israel sentiment.

Patrick Schenker

King’s College London
Articles by Patrick

Patrick Schenker is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow and second-year Politics student at King’s College London. Having lived in 4 countries with different political and social realities and being fluent in 4 languages, Patrick became very aware of his surroundings. He developed a great interest in politics and international relations to understand the world better.

Emma Steinhause

University of Maryland, College Park
Articles by Emma

Emma Steinhause is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow and a first-year University of Maryland, College Park student. Serving as a board member of UMD’s pro-Israel group, Terps for Israel, Emma is passionate about providing Israel education and advocacy to all students. In her free time, Emma enjoys reading, traveling, and hiking.

Joy Zamzelig

University of Miami
Articles by Joy

Joy Zamzelig is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow and a senior at the University of Miami where she studies psychology/biology. She also serves as the vice president of Students Supporting Israel. Joy has an Israeli father and all of her family lives in Israel, where some of her cousins currently serve in the IDF. She is a pro-Israel advocate for this reason as well as Israel being her home and a place where she feels most herself.

Daniel Rosemann

Northeastern University
Articles by Daniel

Daniel Rosemann is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at Northeastern University. Daniel is a 5th-year Computer Science and Business Administration student at Northeastern University. Daniel was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, and lived there until he was 16. As a Northeastern student, Daniel served as an IAC Israel fellow and as Huskies for Israel’s director of communication.

Mark Antar

Northeastern University
Articles by Mark

Mark Antar is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at Northeastern University. Born and raised in the Jewish community in Brooklyn, Mark’s love for Israel has been cultivated from a very young age. He currently serves as the President of Huskies for Israel, Northeastern’s independent pro-Israel student organization, where he spreads his love and admiration for the state of Israel. He enjoys playing baseball and basketball, going to sporting events, and reading.

Isabel Goldberg

NYU Stern
Articles by Isabel

Isabel Goldberg, raised in Englewood, New Jersey, is an upcoming Junior at NYU Stern. She has always been involved with Israel advocacy programs and is passionate about spreading her love of Israel. She spent a year learning about Israel and Judaism while living in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. She is currently very involved with Jewish life in downtown NYC through Chabad on Bowery.

AJ Rodriguez

Oral Roberts University
Articles by AJ

AJ Rodriguez is a 2022-2023 CAMERA Fellow at Oral Roberts University studying international relations. David assists in running various clubs and organizations on campus.

Joe Gindi

Rutgers University
Articles by Joe

Joe Gindi is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at Rutgers University. Joe is a Syrian-Sephardic Jew from Brooklyn, NY, who, after spending a year studying at Yeshivat Eretz haTzvi in Jerusalem, has brought his personal experiences back with him in order to better inform the community at Rutgers on both Judaism and Israel. Joe is majoring in history and economics with a minor in Jewish studies and is a part of the Rutgers SAS Honors Program.

Nathaniel Miller

Tulane University
Articles by Nathaniel

Nathaniel Miller is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow and a freshman at Tulane University. Nathaniel is a student journalist and a proud Zionist that promotes accurate reporting on the Middle East.

Elishama Marmon

Yeshiva University
Articles by Elishama

Elishama Marmon is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow and honors student at Yeshiva University, double majoring in political science and mathematical economics with a minor in psychology. Elishama serves as the Vice President of the YU Political Action Club, Associate Editor of the YU Commentator, Editor-in-Chief of The Clarion, YU’s political journal, and as an associate justice on the student court, among other things. Additionally, he enjoys working with AIPAC, the Tikvah Fund, and as a kosher supervisor in various restaurants in NYC.

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