4 minute read

International Campus Director Aviva Slomich Speaks at AIPAC Policy Conference – 2018

"The sought-after one-year CAMERA Fellowship is offered on a highly selective basis. Participants in our Fellows program are leaders on campus, proactively spreading the truth about Israel to fellow students, professors, and the media. Upon completion, Fellows earn $1000/750 euros. CAMERA Fellows attend our all-expenses-paid Student Leadership Conference in Boston...

8 minute read

Highlights: A Year in Review – 2019

"CAMERA welcomes the strengthened legal measures that will enable Jewish students to enjoy the same protections as others. It's important to note that the legal effort against campus antisemitism began in 2004 with a "Dear colleague letter" from the Office of Civil Rights, and was underscored in 2010 with another...

6 minute read

Outstanding Students Awarded at CAMERA Gala 2019

Two outstanding CAMERA on Campus fellows were honored at our annual gala on June 2nd, 2019. Maynooth University Fellow Daniel O’Dowd received the David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Student Leadership, and Swarthmore College Fellow Matthew Stein received the David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Campus Activism. Both students faced especially grueling...

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