
BBC Weather doesn’t know in which country Jerusalem is located
On the BBC Weather website, Jerusalem is presented as not being in any country. (BBC Watch)

BBC’s Knell misleads on entry of construction materials to Gaza
Once again, the BBC fails to inform audiences why restricting the entry of dual-purpose building materials to Gaza is necessary. (BBC Watch)

CAMERA Prompts CNN Correction on Jerusalem
In response to correspondence from CAMERA staff, CNN editors correct an article which incorrectly reported that eastern Jerusalem had been annexed from “the Palestinian territories.” (CAMERA)

Ha’aretz Doesn’t Live Up To Its Own Standards
In the case of fire zone 918, Ha’aretz reaches its own conclusion without bothering to wait for the court’s decision on disputed facts. (Presspectiva)

Irish Times report includes false claim about BDS impact on Jerusalem Light Rail
An article in the Irish Times included a false claim about Jerusalem’s Light Rail system, and was so slanted that it could have been written by the Palestinian Ministry of Information. (CiF Watch)

Middle East headlines in the Spanish-speaking press
The media’s attention is focused on the turmoil in Egypt and on Netanyahu’s opinion about Iran’s nuclear program. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Peace Treaties with Rockets?
During the renewed peace process, rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel. (In Focus)

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