
More BBC whitewashing of ‘Al Quds Day’
A BBC guide to Iran’s Al Quds day presents it as an eccentric local custom. (BBC Watch )

Manipulating BBC audience opinions with pictures
The caption to a photograph showcased by the BBC omits vital context and includes a politically loaded adjective. (BBC Watch )

Are Jews the most incompetent “ethnic cleansers” in the world?
Of all the hateful anti-Zionist narratives, few are more easily disprovable than the smear that Israel is attempting to “exterminate” the Palestinians. (CiF Watch)

Middle East headlines in the Spanish-speaking press
Israel-EU cooperation, gender policies in the IDF and the authorization of new settlements centered the attention of the media. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Arab TV Shows Incite Anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitic rhetoric continues to spread to Arab and Muslim children through the use of social media and Disney characters. (In Focus)


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