3 minute read

Israel: The Modern Canary

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rebecca Pritzker (en español) In the early ages of mining, coal miners brought canaries with them into the depths of the cavernous mines. As they mined, the brightly colored birds sang, filling the otherwise gloomy caves with cheerful song. As long as the birds continued to...

19 minute read


Gelvin's book exemplifies the colonialist narrative, which denies the central role of religious ideology and ethnic bigotry as the source of enduring Arab-Islamic enmity toward the Jewish state. It ignores or dismisses as irrelevant the torrent of hateful rhetoric directed at Jews in mosques, schools, bookstores, television, newspapers and from...

< 1 minute read

CAMERA Campuses

current Campuses Click here for our campus map to see every campus on which CAMERA has worked!   Click here to see how Emet for Israel has evolved over the years!    School Logo School Fellow EMET Group   Boston College Albert Barkan Eagles for Israel   Boston University    BUSI...

22 minute read


testimonials ♦ EMET for Israel ♦ Fellows ♦ Israel Trip ♦ Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference ♦ Less Hamas More Hummus ♦    EMET for Israel   "I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the work that CAMERA and you all did to contribute to such an amazing weekend in New York. I felt so...

9 minute read

Past Event Flyers

past events J LGBTQ ♦ Terrorism & Rocket Fire ♦ IDF ♦ Middle East Minorities ♦ Culinary & Cultural Events ♦ Iran & Arab Spring ♦ CAMERA & Media ♦ Less Hamas More Hummus ♦ Israeli-Palestinian Conflict ♦ UN and NGOs ♦ Start-Up Nation ♦  Israel 101 ♦ Fighting Hate & Promoting Truth   LGBTQ   terrorism & rocket...

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