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24 minute read

Whose Land? Whose Promise? What Christians Are Not Being Told about Israel and the Palestinians

Rev. Dr. Burge's book is a compendium of factual errors, misstatements, omissions and distortions that portray the modern state of Israel in an inaccurate manner. These inaccuracies include incorrect quotations, false portrayals of how Israel treats her Arab citizens, and mischaracterizations of terrorist organizations. The judgement of those who published...

4 minute read

Heart of Jenin

The film falls short of its promise by hewing to a narrow story line that omits crucial context. The entire story of Ismael Khatib's humane decision to donate his son's organs could not have taken place without the intercession of Israeli doctors and medical staff, the unseen heroes, who continue...

10 minute read

Occupation 101

This blanket excusal of violence introduces Occupation 101, a film designed to evoke sympathy for Palestinians and contempt for Israel. What follows is ninety minutes of indoctrination. Scenes of squalid refugee camps, Israeli soldiers confronting protesters, despairing Palestinian mothers and teary-eyed children serve as a backdrop to well-rehearsed indictments of...

8 minute read

Jenin, Jenin / Road to Jenin

Bakri charges Israel committed genocide in Jenin, killing untold numbers of civilians. The diametrically opposed view, as represented in another documentary, Road to Jenin, depicts a moral Israeli army fighting a just war against armed Palestinians in a hotbed of terrorism which spawned more than half the suicide bombings against...

4 minute read

The Monster Among Us (2008)

Anti-Semitism has surfaced on university campuses, in the media, on the streets, at political demonstrations, on the internet and in seemingly innocent social situations. Jews from all walks of life in six different European countries tell of being attacked in their neighborhoods, of cemeteries desecrated, of synagogues burned, of being...

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