< 1 minute read

Celebrating Israeli Independence in Florida

Last week, Israel celebrated its 69th birthday. As Israel celebrated, so did its friends all around the world – including at Florida State University, where CAMERA-supported group Noles for Israel put on a party for students. The celebration included three stations, each focusing a different city in Israel. At “Jerusalem”, students could see...

5 minute read

The (Sometimes) Uncomfortable Truth

Students at Yeshiva University are not generally attacked for their pro-Israel views and often feel comfortable discussing them publicly. But how about when out and about in the city? When visiting a friend on a secular college campus? In the office of an internship or a job? The discomfort tends...

5 minute read

Teen Vogue Promotes Palestinian Narrative to Adolescent Readers

Teen Vogue, a Conde Nast publication aimed at teenage girls with a circulation of over a million, has shifted away from a focus solely on fashion and shopping to include political issues. Its February 27 piece entitled “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: What You Need to Know” suggests that shift also entails publishing factually shoddy commentary. Despite the ambitious title and long length, the one-sided account...

2 minute read

US Campuses Learn About IDF Ethics

In recent months, CAMERA has hosted numerous events featuring senior Israel Defense Forces (IDF) personnel, who shared their experiences of the ethical challenges they face during their service. Yeshiva University’s Israel Club, a CAMERA-supported group, hosted Colonel Benzi Gruber (res.), a vice commander of an IDF division. He is involved in the...

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