3 minute read

To Be a Modern Woman

To be a modern Western woman is to confront two sides of yourself. There is the side that is ladylike and domestic, everything society deems a woman should be. The other side mocks these stereotypes and lives unburdened by traditionally female responsibilities. As modern women, we benefit from the fight...

3 minute read

From SJP to Pro-Israel: Rezwan’s Story

Rezwan Ovo Haq, a student at the University of Central Florida, advocates strongly for that in which he believes. As a Muslim, Rezwan is devoted to helping fellow Muslims and Palestinians. He “used to believe Israel was an ‘Apartheid’ state, a terrorist state, a regime that routinely oppresses the Palestinians” and was very...

10 minute read

2016-2017 Fellows

 Back to Fellows Main Fellows  * Eden Adler * Ariel Avgi * Albert Barkan * Leora Eisenberg * Josh Elkouby * Bar Fabian * Emily Firestone * Jason Frances * Lily Greenberg Call * Lee-El Haune * Jesse Horowitz * Rebecca Katzman * Josh Kauderer * Jonathan Manevitch * Jody Miller * Dalya Panbehchi * Hannah Pomerantz * Joelle Reid * Shlomo Roiter * Micah...

5 minute read

The Need to Hold Abbas Accountable

The west’s blind eye hurts both Israelis and Palestinians On April 18, a bus was bombed in Jerusalem in a terror attack. Hamas, the internationally recognized terror organization that controls the Gaza Strip, praised the attack and said that the group “blesses the Jerusalem operation.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...

3 minute read

Letter: SGA decision promotes dialogue

Supporting peace and rejecting human rights violations may seem like an easy task, but what happens when it isn’t? When any seemingly good topic is presented without context and the full picture is not understood, how is someone to make a decision? Numerous student groups sighed with relief on Feb....

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