BBC Arabic reports on Syrian patients in Israeli hospitals – but not in Arabic After months of ignoring the subject of Syrian patients being treated in Israeli hospitals, the BBC finally got around to reporting the story – but not to its Arabic Service audiences. (BBC Watch) BBC describes known...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages—August 8
More BBC whitewashing of ‘Al Quds Day’ A BBC guide to Iran’s Al Quds day presents it as an eccentric local custom. (BBC Watch ) Manipulating BBC audience opinions with pictures The caption to a photograph showcased by the BBC omits vital context and includes a politically loaded adjective. (BBC...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages—August 7
BBC Weather doesn’t know in which country Jerusalem is located On the BBC Weather website, Jerusalem is presented as not being in any country. (BBC Watch) BBC’s Knell misleads on entry of construction materials to Gaza Once again, the BBC fails to inform audiences why restricting the entry of dual-purpose...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages
BBC Persian Service promotes anti-Semitic Holocaust denier Atzmon The BBC’s promotion of Gilad Atzmon is not novel, but translation into Farsi for broadcast in Iran is a new low. (BBC Watch) BBC resurrects Knell’s ‘one-state’ campaigning article An old article promoting the ‘one-state solution’ as a panacea to the troubles...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages—July 31
What are BBC audiences being told about ME talks? Taking a look at what the BBC is telling its audiences about the Middle East peace talks. (BBC Watch) Can’t Find A Referendum? You Must Be Gidon Levy Gidon Levy claims democracies don’t use referendums. (Presspectiva) Guardian falsely claims that most...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages—July 29
Pre-Oslo Prisoners and Their Crimes To understand the sensitivity of the debate over Israel’s decision to release convicted Palestinian terrorists, one must know who these prisoners are and what crimes they committed. CAMERA provides a list. (CAMERA) Another Perspective on Middle East Peace Emanuele Ottolenghi describes the “six mistaken assumptions...