2 minute read

CAMERA Fellow Published in Tulane Paper

CAMERA 2013-14 Fellow Ben Kravis recently published a letter to the editor in his campus paper, the Tulane Hullabaloo. Read Ben’s letter here or scroll below. Ben Kravis writes that one can be both Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian. This is a strong argument, as there is no reason one cannot support both people. Unfortunately, many campus...

< 1 minute read

Peace Treaties with Rockets?

As the world closely watches the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, rockets continue to be fired into Israel from Gaza just a few miles away. While Hamas is not launching these rockets, as it wants to maintain the ceasefire with Israel, Israel holds Hamas responsible as the...

2 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

The Guardian Asks if 4.9 Million Palestinian “Refugees” Will “Return” to Cities…Where They Never Lived Those who get their news from the Guardian could be forgiven for falsely believing that there are nearly 5 million Palestinian refugees from the 1948-49 Arab-Israeli War. The truth is that there are closer to...

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