3 minute read

A Call Against Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

To the Editor: Earlier this month, Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine announced a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel. The campaign aims to divest Cornell’s endowment from companies they allege are responsible for human rights violations against Palestinians. A wave of these campaigns has spread to campuses across the country,...

4 minute read

UNIFIL’s Failure to Halt Hezbollah’s Tunnel Construction Reflects Inherent Institutional Bias

While the United Nations Interim Front in Lebanon has emphasized Israel’s protection from Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, newfound evidence has demonstrated otherwise. UNIFIL is an international peacekeeping effort created to initiate Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon in 1978, but has evolved to promote stability within the Lebanese and Israeli governments. However,...

< 1 minute read

Why We Need Zionism

A commonly misunderstood term, Zionism, is the belief that Jews have a right to self-determination in the land of Israel. For 4,000 years, Jews have longed to return to their homeland. However, until Theodor Herzl, the goal of return has simply been a dream. Born in Budapest in 1860, Herzl’s...

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