“On November 3rd, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Vassar College distributed posters utilizing age-old antisemitic tropes to promote Eli Valley’s event, “Drawing the Dystopia: On Non-Zionist Jewish Art and Politics.” We are appalled by SJP’s recent attempt at an apology in The Miscellany News, an underhanded response alleging...
הצהרת האנטי-סולידריות של UCCS: תרגיל באנטי-ציונות, לא בפמיניזם
במאי 2021, המחלקה ללימודים אתניים ונשים (WEST) של UCCS (University of Colorado Colorado Springs) חתמה על הצהרה אנטי-ישראלית. זוהי הצהרת ה”סולידריות” השלישית שנחתמה ע”י WEST (אם כי באופן מעניין היא היחידה שלא צויינה באתר הרשמי שלהם). היא שופעת גזענות, משמיצה יהודים ותוקפת את המדינה היהודית היחידה בעולם. זה אמור להדאיג...
The Blue and White Elephant in the Room
Sunrise Movement is a group of young activists dedicated to stopping man-made climate change. The organization has over 400 branches, most of which are located in the US. One of the political branches of the organization located in Washington DC (DC chapter) announced on October 20th on Twitter that it refused to attend the voting rights rally in Washington DC...
הפיל הכחול-לבן שבחדר
תנועת Sunrise (Sunrise Movement) הינה קבוצת צעירים המוקדשת לעצירת שינויי האקלים הנגרמים על ידי אדם. יש לארגון מעל ל-400 סניפים שמרביתם נמצאים בארצות הברית. אחד התאים הפוליטיים של הארגון שמיקומו בוושינגטון הבירה (“D.C. chapter”) הודיע ב- 20 באוקטובר בטוויטר כי הוא מסרב להשתתף בעצרת זכויות ההצבעה בוושינגטון, .בגלל הכללת ארגונים יהודיים...
UCCS’s anti-Solidarity Pledge: an Exercise in Antizionism, not Feminism
In May 2021, UCCS Women’s and Ethnic Studies department (WEST) signed an anti-Israel declaration. This is the third statement of “solidarity” signed by WEST, (though interestingly the only one unpublished on their official webpage.) It’s rife with bigotry, vilifies Jews, and attacks the world’s only Jewish state. This should alarm...
Academics for Palestine or academics against Israel?
Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said of universities that they should be “a place of light, of liberty and learning.” Of course, these truths are antithetical to and incompatible with the ethos and actions of anti-Zionist academics and academic boycott campaigns that target and malign the Jewish state. These...
The Significance of Adopting the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism
This fall, my hometown of Great Neck, New York was one of several Long Island communities that adopted the working IHRA definition of antisemitism. With a concerning rise in antisemitic incidents in cities across the United States and university campuses, the IHRA definition is an incredibly useful tool to help...
Sally Rooney’s Israel Boycott Fits in With Ireland’s Anti-Israel Hate
A few weeks ago, Teen Vogue ran an article reporting on the decision of best-selling Irish author Sally Rooney not to have her latest novel translated into Hebrew by a publisher in Israel. The article was titled, “Sally Rooney Boycotts Israeli ‘Apartheid,’ Refuses Work With Publishers.” In a statement, Rooney...