2 minute read

Spoon Feeding

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rachel Wolf: In the United States and other western democracies, children’s educational TV largely features shows like Sesame Street and Barney that are focused on teaching the alphabet, numbers, colors and even basic social skills.  Palestinian educational TV, however, has a somewhat different focus.  The comparison...

< 1 minute read

A Hero in Heaven at Drexel

Contributed by Shoshana Weiss, CAMERA’s Dragons for Israel CCAP liaison:  A Hero In Heaven is a highly impactful film for university students of any kind. While focusing on the life of Michael Levin, a young man from Philadelphia who volunteered for the Israeli army, this film inspires Zionism, a deep...

< 1 minute read

Israel Amplified 2013

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rachel Wolf: On August 6, 2013 students from various Greek organizations will come together to discuss the importance of Israel activism on their respective campuses. They will meet at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York City for Alpha Epsilon Pi’s annual Israel Amplified conference (co-sponsored by CAMERA)....

< 1 minute read

BDS event at Brooklyn College in detail

In addition to dealing with hostile anti Israel students, Brooklyn College’s Israel group, a CCAP (CAMERA Supported) group, has had a challenging second semester dealing with their college administration. In February the Brooklyn College political science department co-sponsored an event devoted to BDS. Some pro-Israel students at the event were expelled...

< 1 minute read

Honoring Carter

Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School honored former President Jimmy Carter on April 10th 2013. Carter has spread inaccurate information about Israel and the Middle East. Read Jesse Shore’s latest piece on the issue here. A CAMERA monograph, Bearing False Witness, details the falsehoods and errors about Israel by former US...

< 1 minute read

Is Mahmoud Abbas really a moderate?

Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority (PA), is often painted as a moderate by the media. But is he really a moderate? On May 1st 2013, a top PA official said that “resistance in all of its forms,” against Israel is still on the agenda, on a popular TV channel....

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