3 minute read

Putting IDF Soldiers Through Higher Education

Haredi, or ultra-orthodox Jews, often live in sheltered communities in Israel. Recently, young Haredim have been either leaving their religious background or their community norms in order to serve in the IDF. Many Haredim, often despite their family’s wishes, are choosing to serve and overall become more involved in the workforce of...

3 minute read

Five Components of Menachem Begin’s Legacy

Any Israel advocate or proud Jew will always benefit from learning more about Israeli history, including Israel’s leaders. Education is key to developing one’s own identity and essential for initiating dialogue and discussion with others. Tomorrow is Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin‘s birthday. One of the best ways to celebrate his life is by learning about his...

4 minute read

From SJP to Pro-Israel: Anthony’s Story

Anthony Berteaux, a CAMERA Fellow and rising senior at San Diego State University majoring in journalism, was once a staunch activist for Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)’s campaign against Israel. Today, he is a pro-Israel activist. This past week, he attended CAMERA’s annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, sharing his story...

< 1 minute read

CAMERA on Campus is now on Snapchat!

Playing a significant role in our daily lives, social media is of significant importance to Israel advocacy. CAMERA serves as an important source of informative and thorough articles and analyses of inaccurate reporting on the Middle East. As a college-focused organization, CAMERA on Campus also promotes Israel through social media. Our Facebook page provides critical information and...

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