23 minute read

Backgrounder: The Intrinsic Antisemitism Of BDS

The anti-Jewish bigotry that characterizes the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has become even more apparent as BDS leaders and members seize upon the Covid-19 pandemic to fuel anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism with libels against Jews and the Jewish state. Statements by BDS leaders have ranged from accusing Israel of...

< 1 minute read

UK CAMERA-Supported Societies Need You — Sign the Petition Today!

Click here to sign the petition. While commendably inviting Israeli lecturer Hen Mazzig back to speak on January 25th after his CAMERA event was violently disrupted in 2016, UCL is not permitting the majority of London area students who attended the original event to attend this one because they are not UCL students. UCL does not have a policy of restricting events only to UCL students. Instead of ensuring that...

3 minute read

Indy Story on Gaza Student “Denied” Visa to Study in UK Riddled with Distortions

A Sept. 27th article in the Independent by Bethan McKernan claims that a 28-year-old Palestinian student named Mohammed Awad was due to begin a masters programme at Goldsmiths, University of London, but may have to forfeit his place because of an “Israeli delay in approving his travel papers”. Awad, from Jabalia, north of Gaza City, is quoted...

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