4 minute read

My Life Has Taken an Interesting Turn

Hello, my name is Tatiana Rose Becker and I am a Zionist. That is not one of the first things people learn about me, but it is definitely the most important. It was not always this way. I grew up in a household that valued the Jewish culture over the...

2 minute read

Arab TV Shows Incite Anti-Semitism

Anti-Israel and anti-Semitic statements are frequent on both children’s and adult TV shows from Arab and Muslim countries. In continuing to exploit Disney-like or even Disney characters to disseminate anti-Semitic propaganda, the Algemeiner and Jerusalem Post reported that the self-described “official voice of Donald Duck in the Middle East” declared...

2 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

BBC showcases convicted anti-Israel activist in context-free illustration Photo of known amateur dramatics provocateur from Bil’in used by BBC to illustrate ‘the conflict’. (BBC Watch) BBC advertising revenue from countries restricting press & internet freedom Non-UK visitors to the BBC website see advertising which, in some cases, promotes countries with...

< 1 minute read

We Heart Our Students!

As the end of June approaches, CAMERA wraps up another successful Student Leadership and Advocacy Training trip to Israel! This year marks the 7th year that CAMERA has taken approximately 25 college students on a 10-day, completely subsidized geopolitical tour of Israel. The experience focuses on exploring media portrayal of...

2 minute read

The Land of Israel in 1940

Over the years, various Palestinian leaders and movements have claimed that the Jews do not have a right to the land of Israel because they lack connection to the land. This argument is often made with inaccurate maps and statements. However, as most Zionists (and historians) would argue, this connection...

3 minute read

BDS Momentum quashed at UC Santa Barbara

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Josh Arons: The anti-Israel, boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement has infiltrated numerous state universities in California and has spread untruthful propaganda about the State of Israel. Unfortunately, the anti-Israel movement’s scare tactics worked by persuading student government associations at UC Davis, UC Berkeley, and UC Irvine...

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