The school year has barely started for most American universities, but noxious, anti-Israel campus groups are already peppering the campus landscape with propaganda that smacks of hatred, anti-Semitism, and good, ol’ fashioned blood libels.

Despite a sizable Jewish population, SUNY Binghamton in upstate New York is one of the unfortunate campuses to be graced with the presence of Students for Justice in Palestine.

SUNY Binghamton SJP ruins some nice shirts with spattered red paint.
SUNY Binghamton SJP ruins some nice shirts with spattered red paint.

Our CCAP Liaison for the CCAP- supported Binghamton University Zionist Organization (BUZO), reported to us this afternoon:

“Today at Binghamton University, on the first day of classes, SJP organized a demonstration. They wore blood splattered shirts and had a woman and her ‘baby’ on the ground. However, the pro-Israel community stood united and strong.”


Our 2013-2014 SUNY Binghamton CAMERA Fellow added, “BUZO did an incredible job today rallying the troops! We out numbered SJP by the dozens!”

At CAMERA, we always make sure to tell our students not to let the tactics of SJP intimidate them into silence. We’re so grateful to our students at SUNY Binghamton for standing up for Israel even in the face of SJP’s disturbing, sensationalist propaganda.  BUZO, we are proud of you! Keep up the good work!

BUZO stands up for Israel against the haters!


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