The_7_Breakfasts_-_Café_CaféContributed by CAMERA intern Lilia Gaufberg

On October 8th at 7:30 PM, Jeremy Ginsberg, the CAMERA fellow at the University of California, Santa Barbara, in conjunction with Gauchos United for Israel, an EMET for Israel group, hosted an Israeli Café Night at the UCSB Hillel. This event was the opening program of the year for the group, and served as an introduction to supporting organizations such as CAMERA. Hookah, hummus, and other Israeli food was served!

The goal of this event was to meet new freshmen who were interested in becoming involved with the group in some way. This goal was met; more people than expected, particularly new students, attended the event. The most effective aspects of the program were the food and the professional set-up. The overall feedback that was given by attendees was positive, and everyone who came seemed excited for the new year and for future events!

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