A Note from the CAMERA on Campus Team

At CAMERA on Campus, we believe in honoring those who have shown great courage and dedication in their efforts in the fight against antisemitism and anti-Israel bias. We are honoring five student activists leading the charge. We praise them for their valiant efforts equally. They are not presented in any particular order.

Our List

1. Eden Yadegar (Columbia University)

Image from the Columbia Spectator

Eden Yadegar used her position as President of SSI to advocate on behalf of pro-Israel Columbia students, especially after October 7th. She has had the privilege to frequently make media appearances as well as testify before the U.S House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce, speaking truth to power about the horrific antisemitism running rampant at Columbia.

2. Joe Gindi (Rutgers, New Brunswick)

Image from Joe’s LinkedIn

A 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow and prominent pro-Israel student activist, Joe Gindi has stood as a voice of sanity amid the disaster of Rutgers’ inaction in the face of antisemitism on its campus. Joe’s testimony before the U.S House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce shed light on the rampant Jew hatred on his campus. He fiercely condemned Rutgers administration’s capitulation to the local SJP’s demands and is excited to continue his advocacy on behalf of his peers.

3. Talia Khan (MIT)

Talia Khan is an undergraduate alumna, and current graduate student at MIT. Khan serves as President of the MIT Israel Alliance, a pro-Israel group advocating on behalf of Jewish students and the State of Israel. In February 2024, Khan was invited by lawmakers to speak at the US Capitol, where she spoke on the extreme antisemitism and anti-Israel bias encountered on campus. There, she was able to present evidence of antisemitism and fearlessly called out the MIT administration for their various failures in protecting the Jewish and pro-Israel members of the MIT community.

4. Milagro Jones (UCLA)

Milagro Jones is a UCLA student who became a prominent pro-Israel advocate after a hostile encounter with anti-Israel protesters in May 2024. Initially supportive of anti-Israel detractors, the harassment he faced led to a significant shift in his stance. Jones now actively documents and exposes anti-Israel agitators through viral videos,  highlighting instances of physical assault, intimidation, and bigotry. His advocacy work has garnered attention and support, making him a prominent figure in promoting the rights and safety of Jewish and pro-Israel students on campus.

5. Tessa Veksler (UCSB)

(image from https://elections.as.ucsb.edu/candidate/2022/tessa-veksler/)

Tessa Veksler is the Associated Students president at the University of California, Santa Barbara, known for her pro-Israel advocacy. Since 10/7, she has faced significant antisemitic harassment and intimidation including being doxxed and defamed online and in person due to her Jewish identity and vocal support for Israel. In May, 2024, Veksler filed a Title VI Civil Rights Act violation complaint against UCSB, citing the university’s failure to address the antisemitic bullying. Through her courage, Tessa continues to stand as a strong advocate for Israel and fights for the safety and well being of her fellow pro-Israel peers.

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