
The Palestinian TV show the BBC will not tell you about
Despite having shown a keen interest in Palestinian TV shows recently, the BBC has not reported on cash prizes for denial of Israel’s existence in a PA TV Ramadan special. (BBC Watch)

BBC’s Donnison returns – with an old party trick
The BBC’s former Gaza correspondent revives old myths – from his new patch in Australia. (BBC Watch)

No human being is illegal: The Guardian’s vilification of settlers is immoral and illogical
The Guardian’s secular faith in the proposition that Israeli communities across the 1949 armistice lines are illegal has little basis in history or international law. (CiF Watch)

Please leave us alone to murder in peace
Amira Hass demands that Israel not interfere with the Palestinians’ activities to “expose collaborators and end their services to you”. Is this what she meant? (Presspectiva)

Middle East headlines in the Spanish-speaking press
The focus is on settlements, the lack of hope regarding peace talks and the rockets fired from Sinai to Eilat. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Página12 o Palestinian Página? 
In an article about the release of the first Palestinian prisoners, Argentinean newspaper Página12 polished the image of the perpetrators while it relegated or disavowed the victims. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Inaccuracies in El Pais
Palestine is not a state, nor is the occupation the root of the problem. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

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