5 minute read

Francesca Albanese And The UN’s Anti-Israel Bias

On 26 April, Israel’s Independence Day, the Jewish Network for Palestine (JNP), a fringe organisation, held a Zoom lecture with Italian UN Special Rapporteur to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese. Other speakers in attendance were Israeli Professor of History at Exeter University, Ilan Pappe and SOAS Professor Nur Masalha. The JNP is linked to the anti-zionist Jewish...

< 1 minute read

The UNHRC’s great power & forgotten responsibility

“With great power comes great responsibility.” These were the words spoken by Sir Winston Churchill in 1906 and still ring true today. One would expect the United Nations, a deliberative body dedicated to upholding peace, security, and human rights, established in the shadow of the Second World War, where 60 million people lost their lives...

4 minute read

Who Will Withdraw Next?

The US withdrawal from the UNHRC is not about advancing a pro-Israel agenda. Reflecting on members participating in the UNHRC, it seems as if the international community has permitted some of the most notorious human rights violators to pass judgment unto nations around the globe. Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, El Salvador,...

< 1 minute read

U.S. Abstention on UN Security Council Resolution 2334 on Israel’s Settlement Activities Distances Peace

‘UN Security Council Resolution 2334 reflects the modern rise of Palestinian lawfare: using law “to achieve…warfighting objective[s]” against Israel, according to a confidant of PA President Mahmoud Abbas. Having failed over the last half century to shift the balance of power through negotiations and armed resistance, the PA has turned...

< 1 minute read

United Nations International Day of Democracy

Today is the UN’s International Day of Democracy. Israel was established as a parliamentary democracy, a state with fundamental democratic values. While much of the Middle East is hostile to democratic governments from forming, Israel strives to constantly develop as a democracy. Between rights for Palestinians, women, and members of the LGBTQ...

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