BDS at UC Santa Cruz was defeated in a majority vote, with 19 against, 17 in favor and 3 abstentions. It is yet another failed BDS campaign to add to the list in the UC system. Emily Hochberg writes in the Israel Actions Network blog “This is the latest in a...
Victories against BDS at Manitoba & UC Riverside
CUNY vice chancellor and general counsel issued a report (full report here) on Brooklyn College and its expulsion of students and journalists from the anti-Israel BDS (more about BDS here) event that had been co-sponsored by the Brooklyn College Political Science Department. The report finds that the “administration did not handle this event...
Students vote to revoke divestment at UC Riverside!
The Student Government at UC Riverside recently voted to overturn the Divestment Bill. Only one student voted against the revocation of this ridiculous policy. This is a testament to how hasbara/explanation of the situation can be successful in fighting BDS.
BDS Wins at UC Riverside
Philippe Assouline writes a great op-ed You Can Fool Some People Sometime’: BS Gets BDS a Win at UC Riverside. If any government ever passed legislation in this manner, there would be serious questions about the democratic nature of the said government. This vote does not reflect the wishes of the...