Over the past couple of months, close to a dozen innocent Israeli citizens- Jewish and non-Jewish alike- had their lives taken from them too soon, at the hands of terrorists. Most recently, on May 5th, Yom Haatzmaut, three people were killed and four were injured in a terror attack in...
That awkward moment when the MSNBC anchor tweets something anti-Semitic
Once again, the Orthodox seat-switching dilemma strikes. Twitterers from all four corners of the Earth offer their opinions and advice to the man who was asked to switch seats. Some say that the lack of secular education is at fault. Others say that the religion itself is to blame. Others...
CAMERA Fellows in Focus: Ben Shachar
The CAMERA Fellowship supports student leaders in developing and strengthening their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year about the begin, we are giving introducing the students who will be working hard to promote the facts about Israel on campus. Meet Ben Shachar. A senior at York University, Ben Shachar is studying biology. He is a...
Tips for the Israel Advocate
Between anti-Semitism on college campuses and terror attacks, it doesn’t seem that hatred for the Jewish state will end in the near future. While hate for Israel does not seem be letting up, the approach of Israel advocates can change. At a recent event hosted by CAMERA at Hebrew University, Assaf Luxembourg, CEO of...
Building a Better Fence: A Firsthand Look at Israel’s Security Barrier
As I laid my hand on the wall portion of Israel’s security barrier I heard Colonel (Reserve) Danny Tirza say, “I want to be the first one to take down this wall.” Moved and a little startled, I turned to look at him. The man who engineered Israel’s famous security...
Palestinian Incitement 101
This following excerpt is from a piece by Aviva Slomich, CAMERA’s International Campus Director, was originally published in The Times of Israel. How do you explain to American college students that some of Israel’s neighbors pass out candy on the streets in celebration of murder of innocent people?This is unheard of...
My Issue with J-Street
This piece was published originally in the Times of Israel and written by CAMERA Israel trip participant, Naor Amir, on May 1st, 2014. Naor is a strong Israel activist at the University of Florida and is the founder of the pro-Israel group Zionist Gators. A growing divide is emerging within the...