The following post has been reposted from CAMERA’s blog, Snapshots: CAMERA is delighted that popular blogger Elder of Ziyon has selected CAMERA as the 2014 winner of the Hasby Award in the category of Best Mainstream Media Watchdog. Elder writes: Besides having a stellar year with dozens of articles showing bias in the...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages—August 7
BBC Weather doesn’t know in which country Jerusalem is located On the BBC Weather website, Jerusalem is presented as not being in any country. (BBC Watch) BBC’s Knell misleads on entry of construction materials to Gaza Once again, the BBC fails to inform audiences why restricting the entry of dual-purpose...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages
BBC Persian Service promotes anti-Semitic Holocaust denier Atzmon The BBC’s promotion of Gilad Atzmon is not novel, but translation into Farsi for broadcast in Iran is a new low. (BBC Watch) BBC resurrects Knell’s ‘one-state’ campaigning article An old article promoting the ‘one-state solution’ as a panacea to the troubles...