4 minute read


Budrus is a documentary that was released in 2009. The film focuses on the anti-Security Fence movement growing in the village of Budrus, located in the West Bank. The anti-Security Fence movement is a series of protests which often start as nonviolent demonstrations but often end with throwing rocks. These...

4 minute read

Hamas is to Blame, Not Israel

The following was written by Josh Dienstman, a 2013-2014 CAMERA Fellow. Published originally on August 6th in the Triangle – The Independent Student Newspaper at Drexel University. Josh is a member of Drexel’s CCAP group (CAMERA supported pro-Israel student group), Dragons for Israel. The Israel Defense Forces launched Operation Protective Edge against Hamas...

2 minute read

Grow up AU, quit blaming the other side

Written by Andy Wallin, and originally published in “The Eagle Online”, American University’s campus news paper on October 8th 2013. Andy is currently a senior in the School of International Service at American and writes a bi-weekly column which is published every other Tuesday. Andy is a proud CAMERA Fellow and is a...

4 minute read

Israeli Reality Check

This is the third draft of “Israeli Reality Check” that I have written and I’m sure that it will still not be current enough when it is posted due to the ever-changing situation in Israel. When I embarked on my journey to Israel in mid-June, I never imagined that I...

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