Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid is most well known for “raising awareness according to the realities on the ground” on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Bassem, born and raised in Jordanian occupied East Jerusalem, began working for B’Tselem in 1988 to advocate for Palestinian human rights. Since then, he has broken...
Cardinal for Israel hosts vigil for victims of violence in Israel
Members of the Stanford community came together to remember the lives of nine Israeli victims of recent terrorist attacks at a Sunday evening vigil hosted by Cardinal for Israel (CFI). The vigil occurred only days after students had gathered in White Plaza in silent protest of what they have called...
It’s time to stop ignoring racism in Israel
As defenders of Israel, we are constantly emphasizing that Israel promotes unconditional co-existence and would never stand for such an awful establishment like institutional discrimination. However, what if I said we were wrong and that Israel does, in fact, actively permit prejudice to flourish? We as educators commit a severe...
Letter to the Editor: Facts Matter
In light of a recent letter-to-the-editor published in the Oracle, I feel it is necessary to set the half-truths straight and the lies presented realized for what they are. I felt compelled to respond to Mr. Saleh’s article regarding actress Mayim Bialik and her experiences of anti-semitism in America. ...
Palestinian Human Rights Leader Condemns Hamas, BDS at Cornell Lecture
CAMERA brought Bassem Eid on tour to over a dozen campuses in the U.S. Please read below a review by a student reporter on the impact Eid made on her campus. Founder of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG) and outspoken critic of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement Bassem...
Rewind to one year and five months ago. Saturday night in Jerusalem, as I remember it from living in the city, is a time of reawakening. The city gently wakes up from the rest of the Jewish holy day, Shabbat, and shops reopen, people traverse the country to return to...
Ali Abunimah Justifies the Murder of Two Israelis
Yesterday Eitam and Na’ama Henkin were murdered in front of their children in a disputed area of Samaria, in the West Bank. Most people are shocked and horrified that such an event like this could happen and their responses have been full of sympathy for their family, including their four children...
Why is This State Different From All Other States
Contributed by Lindsay Hurwitz, our CAMERA Fellow at the University of Michigan. This piece was republished in the Algemeiner. In honor of the recent Jewish holiday of Passover, I found myself reminiscing about the oppression of the Jewish people in Egypt thousands of years ago. I then considered a more modern representation...