3 minute read

Anti-Israel or Anti-Semitic?

Israel is facing a tide of hatred all around the world. From the United States to Europe, to the Middle East, many try to delegitimize the state of Israel. People can surely be just critical of Israeli policies. However, many people are anti-Israel due to their hate for the Jewish people....

3 minute read

Black Lives Matter in Israel

About a year ago, the world was captivated by the news of police brutality in Israel. A young Ethiopian-Israeli soldier, Damas Pakada was beaten by a policeman, and the world heard. Articles claimed that Israel is a racist state. Videos screamed that Israel cares little for black lives. Social media...

2 minute read

Israeli Bash Makes a Splash at ORU

Earlier this May, ORU United for Israel hosted their “Israeli Bash” event at Oral Roberts University. The group is a CAMERA-supported campus group run by Christian Zionist students. ORU United for Israel brought in a DJ and authentic Israeli musicians, adding the authenticity to the event that they were looking for.  The students’ ears perked...

4 minute read

Fact Checking Omar Barghouti

Omar Barghouti did not speak at Stanford University earlier this quarter. Neither did he deliver his talk in real time over Skype. Instead, the sponsors of the event — Stanford Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace — streamed a pre-recorded, and presumably, pre-vetted, video of Barghouti...

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