3 minute read


When you think of Israeli, what image pops into your mind? Is it a tanned person with dark hair, and a bowl of hummus in their hand? Did their family migrate from Poland or Hungary? For me, as an average American Jew, the Ashkenazi Jew was where my mind went...

3 minute read

Celebrating Our Best Year of Israel Activism Yet

At Oral Roberts University, before September even started, CAMERA-supported group ORU United for Israel catapulted into its best year of Israel support yet. The group has already joined together many students on campus on behalf of Israel several times, including during at the Partiestival Club Rush event, the group’s trip to the local Jewish Museum,...

3 minute read

Leading Eagles for Israel

I’m not going to lie: it’s pretty great to say that you’re the leader of an entire political movement on campus. Even if that movement has to do with a place 5,000 miles away. And even if it’s on a Catholic campus with no more than 500 Jewish undergraduates. I...

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