4 minute read

Confessions of a College Zionist

A few weeks ago while tabling for an event with my pro-Israel group Mustangs United for Israel on campus, we were approached by a student who stopped and asked, “So, if you are pro-Israel then that means you’re anti-Palestinian?” It was an easy question to answer. In fact, it only...

3 minute read

Israel’s Culture of Knowledge

Think of Black Friday, but just for books. That’s what happens in Israel this week, for Israel’s National Book Week, one of the major events in Israel’s cultural calendar. These ten days in June are also a good opportunity to examine an aspect of Israel that is often overlooked –...

< 1 minute read

Statement on Resignation of Dean Duthu

Controversy emerged upon the discovery that Professor Bruce Duthu, nominated to be Dartmouth College’s Dean of Faculty, and currently serves as Associate Dean, had publicly supported an academic boycott of Israel. We worked with our students at Dartmouth, who met with Duthu, upon which he clarified his stance on BDS...

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