3 minute read

Why BDS Pursues “Anti-Normalization”

Last week, Professors Cary Nelson and David Greenberg wrote in the Washington Post of the latest tactic of the BDS movement: anti-normalization. Anti-normalization, under the guise of rejecting any contacts between Israelis and Palestinians that “treat both parties as having legitimate grievances and aspirations,” includes shouting down pro-Israel speakers, and...

3 minute read

Where is the Outcry?

  Zionism is the emancipation and homecoming of the Jewish people. Zionism, and the state of Israel it reincarnated, has united generations of Jewish people. Before Zionism brought the Jewish people home from their 2000 year wanderings, it was a dream waiting to be fulfilled. Millions throughout the millennia prayed...

2 minute read

Allies of Israel at UNO

  On September 23rd, our CCAP- supported group Allies of Israel at University of New Orleans spent the day tabling with CAMERA materials and apples and honey to bring in the Jewish New Year! Check out some of their amazing photos below! We are so proud of our amazing students!...

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