2 minute read

Jon Haber Relaunches His Blog

Jon of Divest This has relaunched his blog. Read his first entry below: so did I miss anything? Sorry for the hiatus. It was mostly work related, although as I mentioned as Divest This! was winding down last year, it’s not clear that a blog (with its reverse chronological nature) is the...

2 minute read

UMass Amherst Chancellor Condemns Academic Boycotts of Israel

AMHERST, Mass. – The following is a statement from University of Massachusetts Amherst Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy regarding the call for an academic boycott of Israel: “The University of Massachusetts Amherst is opposed to academic boycotts of any kind. The current boycott of academic institutions in Israel by several academic associations...

< 1 minute read

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

 What Martin Luther King Jr. had to say about Israel:   Online misconceptions on Martin Luther King Jr. and Israel: Electronic Intifada Continues to Struggle With Quotations MLK on Peace, Israeli Security and Anti-Zionism Hoax: Martin Luther King’s “Letter to an anti-Zionist Friend”

2 minute read

CAMERA Partners with Drexel Hillel on Birthright Trip

CAMERA’s Gilad Skolnick just returned from a wonderful Birthright Reunion at Drexel University. This is our second year in a row of working with Drexel’s Hillel in sending students on Birthright. Unique aspects of this partnership include having Israeli soldiers stay for the full 10 days of the Birthright trip...

2 minute read

The Truth Behind Anti-Semitism

This article was contributed by Alabama State University CAMERA Fellow John Wright and was republished in The Algemeiner. Throughout the Middle East, there are many who feel as though Israel doesn’t have the right to exist as a nation and the Jews who inhabit her should be eradicated from the Earth. These sentiments are...

3 minute read

Keeping Pressure on Iran

Negotiations between Iran and the “P5+1,” which refers to the five World War II allied powers (US, China, Russia, France, and Britain) and Germany, began with a first round in Geneva on October 15th. This was generally seen as a positive first step in what will ultimately be a difficult...

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