3 minute read

SJP Speaker Josh Reubner

Contibuted by CAMERA Fellow David Enav. On October 16th, Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Houston brought in a speaker, Josh Ruebner, who spoke about why he thinks Israel and the United States have failed to establish peace and a Palestinian state. Although Ruebner spoke of his...

3 minute read

Sergeant Benjamin Anthony Comes to UConn

Contributed CAMERA Fellow Ali Jabick Last month, on April 1st, Sergeant Benjamin Anthony, founder of non-for-profit non-governmental organization Our Soldier Speaks, came to speak at the University of Connecticut.  He began his presentation by sharing a traumatic experience from his childhood. One day, while walking to his Jewish school, Sergeant...

2 minute read

Yom Ha’atzmaut

Contributed by CAMERA intern Aaron Hunt. Today is Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, which occurs on the anniversary of 5 Iyar (May 14), 1948, when David Ben-Gurion announced Israel’s independence. This year, the fifth of Iyar falls on a Friday, so Yom Ha’atzmaut is celebrated today to avoid conflicting with...

2 minute read

CAMERA Brings Benjamin Anthony to UConn

On Wednesday, April 1, CAMERA fellow Ali Jabick at the University of Connecticut hosted a talk with Sergeant Benjamin Anthony (res.) from the organization Our Soldiers Speak at the UConn Trachten-Zachs Hillel House. Sgt. Anthony was invited to bring awareness to students about the nature of the IDF and to...

2 minute read

CAMERA Takes Assi Azar on Tour

Assi Azar, an Israeli television personality and the host of Israel’s number one most watched TV show, is going on a nine campus tour thanks to CAMERA. Our goal is to teach students about the progressive nature of Israel and the LGBTQ community there. His tour started on March 30th...

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