3 minute read

Five Components of Menachem Begin’s Legacy

Any Israel advocate or proud Jew will always benefit from learning more about Israeli history, including Israel’s leaders. Education is key to developing one’s own identity and essential for initiating dialogue and discussion with others. Tomorrow is Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin‘s birthday. One of the best ways to celebrate his life is by learning about his...

6 minute read

10 Tips for Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization dedicated to revealing the ‘truth’ about the IDF. Loosely based on accounts of soldiers, BTS tries to highlight immoral incidents in the IDF. But after a recent Channel 10 investigation, Breaking the Silence can no longer be trusted as a reliable source. Here is a...

2 minute read

Colonel Richard Kemp Testifies for the IDF at NYU

Morality in the war on terror is a controversial and constant point of discussion for Israel. The question is: How can an army be optimally moral in preventing casualties, while successfully stopping terrorism? This is a dilemma the IDF struggles with as it is repeatedly cornered into war in order to protect Israel.  Despite the many...

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