3 minute read

My Journey to Zionism

This piece was contributed by CAMERA intern Elisa Greenberg.  Elisa is a senior at Boston University, majoring in marketing.  I was raised in a Zionistic home by parents who understood the importance of Israel as a Jewish state. Each morning, I would go downstairs for breakfast to find my parents...

4 minute read


Budrus is a documentary that was released in 2009. The film focuses on the anti-Security Fence movement growing in the village of Budrus, located in the West Bank. The anti-Security Fence movement is a series of protests which often start as nonviolent demonstrations but often end with throwing rocks. These...

4 minute read

Hamas is to Blame, Not Israel

The following was written by Josh Dienstman, a 2013-2014 CAMERA Fellow. Published originally on August 6th in the Triangle – The Independent Student Newspaper at Drexel University. Josh is a member of Drexel’s CCAP group (CAMERA supported pro-Israel student group), Dragons for Israel. The Israel Defense Forces launched Operation Protective Edge against Hamas...

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