< 1 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

The Palestinian TV show the BBC will not tell you about Despite having shown a keen interest in Palestinian TV shows recently, the BBC has not reported on cash prizes for denial of Israel’s existence in a PA TV Ramadan special. (BBC Watch) BBC’s Donnison returns – with an old...

< 1 minute read

Israel on Campus Coalition

Gilad Skolnick, a CAMERA Regional Campus Coordinator, returned this Tuesday from speaking at the Grinspoon-Morningstar Internship National Training, located right outside Washington D.C. There he led a writing workshop and taught students about bias in the media. Students learned how to better spot inaccuracies, tips on getting published, and worked on...

3 minute read

What Makes a Rainbow Beautiful?

Throughout the past month, there have been several groundbreaking decisions made within Israel’s society that will continue to affect people worldwide for generations to come. Most specifically, it seems as if the Sephardi population in Israel is beginning to gain global notoriety, validating years of effort by the Israeli government...

2 minute read

Glorifying Hate

Does a true partner for peace honor those who committed acts of terror? In history, there have been only a few Jewish terrorists who murdered Palestinians. Israel has given all of these people lengthy prison sentences, and has refused to release them early. On the other hand, the ruling Palestinian...

< 1 minute read

BDS Student Leader Nominated as UC Regent

University of California’s Board of Regents, which governs the university and appoints senior officers, was created for the purpose of “sheltering the university from shifting political winds.” Yet a current nominee for student regent threatens to do the very opposite, by politicizing the board with severely partisan, divisive and noxious...

3 minute read

BDS Momentum quashed at UC Santa Barbara

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Josh Arons: The anti-Israel, boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement has infiltrated numerous state universities in California and has spread untruthful propaganda about the State of Israel. Unfortunately, the anti-Israel movement’s scare tactics worked by persuading student government associations at UC Davis, UC Berkeley, and UC Irvine...

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