Anteaters For Israel (AFI), our CCAP group at UC Irvine, has been conducting successful events throughout the Fall 2014 semester. The group started the year off by tabling on campus to attract potential new AFI members while promoting a positive image of Israel after an extremely tumultuous summer. The group took...
Ishmael Khaldi on life as a Bedouin in Israel at the University of Chicago
On April 7th, the University of Chicago’s CCAP- funded organization, Chicago Friends of Israel, hosted Ishmael Khaldi on campus. Khaldi is the first Bedouin vice consul of Israel and the first high ranking Muslim diplomat in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Khaldi delivered a lecture entitled Life as a...
CCAP Liaison Chloé Valdary on Yom Hatzmaut
“Oh brave new world, That has such people in’t.” -Miranda, From Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Act 1, scene 1 Enter the shackled. Enter the despondent, wretched souls. Enter the man and woman, boy and girl, deemed “menace to society,” destined to roam endlessly about. Number the stars upon their lapels...