This piece was contributed by CAMERA on Campus’ Editor-in-Chief, Samantha Rose Mandeles. On March 8th, I had the honor of speaking at a program alongside several of my heroes (former Israeli Ambassador Danny Ayalon and Sgt. [res] Benjamin Anthony of the IDF) about the dangers of and resistance to anti-Israel...
CAMERA Launches New New York Times Billboard!
Today, CAMERA launches another in a series of billboards that put the spotlight on the New York Times for their biased coverage of Israel! Check our our press release, published in, and reproduced in full below! A series of new billboards in New York City calls out The New...
Witnesses of History: Marta
This piece was submitted by CAMERA 2014 Israel Trip participant, Marta Slobodyanyuk, as part of our Witnesses of History campaign. Marta is a student activist with CAMERA’s CCAP group at the University of Minnesota, Students Supporting Israel. The plane readied itself for arrival. I remember that feeling in my stomach....
BDS and the CSU: A Story of Selective Outrage
This piece was written by our Fellow at Concordia University, Bradley Martin, and originally published at The Concordian. The full piece is reproduced below. Vote ‘No’ to the BDS movement on Nov. 25 On its website, the Concordia Student Union (CSU) describes itself as an organization that “offers a number...
A Futile Letter From a Student to Academia
By Ron Feingold As the number of students walking through the halls of Universities increases, so does the role of academia in policy making. Essentially, what is easily the most energetic and effortlessly mobilized demographic in the world; young, educated, passionate, compassionate, ambitious, and idealistic- is constantly under the watchful eye...
Even More Updates on the New BBC: Blood Bucket Challenge
Way back in the beginning of October and the end of September, CAMERA Senior Researcher and Ohio University alumnus, Eric Rozenman, wrote to the president of the university, Roderick McDavis. In his letters, Eric asked President McDavis to use the Blood Bucket Challenge as a “teachable moment” and strongly condemn academic boycotts...
A CAMERA Alum Shares: My Life As An Oleh
This piece was contributed by Ari Hoffman, a CAMERA CAP alumnus from the University of Central Florida. Ari made Aliyah after graduating in May, 2014. Ari’s account of living in Israel during Operation Protective Edge is part of our campaign, Witnesses of History. It has been an interesting few months...
Presspectiva Analyst Speaks at Cornell
On September 30, CAMERA’s own Yishai Goldflam spoke about media bias against Israel at Cornell University! The content of this event included discussing specific instances of bias and inaccuracy in mainstream media that occurred over the course of this past summer, especially during Operation Protective Edge. According to our Cornell CAMERA Fellow, Reut Baer, feedback...