4 minute read

Fighting Fire With Fire

Growing up in America, it is common for children’s shows to teach messages of sharing, kindness, and love. Terrorism? Not so much. In the Palestinian Authority controlled West Bank region, on the other hand, “death, not life, is the prime value” of popular children’s show Tomorrow’s Pioneers. The program, whose co-host Nassur boasts...

4 minute read

Bassem Eid Tours with CAMERA

Recently, Palestinian human rights activist, Bassem Eid went on a tour with CAMERA. During his tour, Eid went to dozens of campuses across the United States to discuss his experiences living under the Palestinian Authority. Below are pictures and testaments from CAMERA students about Eid’s tour. To read more CAMERA...

3 minute read

For Bassem Eid, Silence is not an Option

Returning home from a celebration in honor of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the car carrying Eitam and Naama Henkin and their four children came under fire as it slowly made its way through the windy roads of the West Bank. Spotting the vehicle’s Israeli plates, Palestinian terrorists unleashed a volley of bullets...

2 minute read

Important Alliances

The state of Israel has been an ally to the United States of America since its’ birth in 1948. This has been a relationship that has been cultivated over decades and has proven mutually beneficial to both countries. Whether financially, militarily, medically, technologically etc., the partnership that has existed between these two countries...

3 minute read

Letter to the Editor: Facts Matter

In light of a recent letter-to-the-editor published in the Oracle, I feel it is necessary to set the half-truths straight and the lies presented realized for what they are. I felt compelled to respond to Mr. Saleh’s article regarding actress Mayim Bialik and her experiences of anti-semitism in America.  ...

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