2 minute read

CAMERA Fellows in Focus: Ben Shachar

The CAMERA Fellowship supports student leaders in developing and strengthening their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year about the begin, we are giving introducing the students who will be working hard to promote the facts about Israel on campus. Meet Ben Shachar. A senior at York University, Ben Shachar is studying biology. He is a...

2 minute read

CAMERA Fellows in Focus: Jody Miller

Every year, a number of Israel activists with exemplary writing skills and leadership capabilities are selected for the CAMERA Fellowship. Throughout the school year, CAMERA Fellows are provided with a strong support system, including expert guidance, high-level instruction on Middle East issues, and event planning assistance from CAMERA staff, and international networking opportunities with...

3 minute read

What Exactly is Zionism?

What exactly is Zionism? Zionism is an ideology that originated in the late 1800’s that brought nationalism to the Jewish people. It argued for a Jewish state, united world Jewry, hoping to bring to an end anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jewish people. Zionism is how I connect to...

3 minute read

Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories on Campus

The anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of the past – Jews are plotting to rule the world, Jews control the banks, Jews are agents of calamity and catastrophe –have found new life in the North American university campus. At the City University of New York, the “Students for Justice in Palestine” club blamed the “Zionist...

4 minute read

Fighting Fire With Fire

Growing up in America, it is common for children’s shows to teach messages of sharing, kindness, and love. Terrorism? Not so much. In the Palestinian Authority controlled West Bank region, on the other hand, “death, not life, is the prime value” of popular children’s show Tomorrow’s Pioneers. The program, whose co-host Nassur boasts...

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