לפרסום מיידי ועדה לדיוק בדיווח וניתוח במזרח התיכון CAMERA מכינה את הסטודנטים לקרב נגד מידע מוטעה בוסטון, 4 באוגוסט, 2022 – לראשונה מזה שנתיים, סטודנטים מאוניברסיטאות ברחבי ארצות הברית, קנדה, בריטניה וישראל התכנסו בבוסטון, מסצ’וסטס, לכנס המנהיגות הבינלאומי ה-12 של CAMERA (ISLC). כנס אינטנסיבי בן ארבעה ימים עמוס בהדרכות, תדרוכים...
Press Release: CAMERA Prepares Students For The Fierce Battle Against Misinformation
BOSTON, August 4th, 2022 – For the first time in two years, students from universities across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Israel gathered in Boston, Massachusetts, for CAMERA’s 12th Annual International Student Leadership Conference (ISLC). An intensive four-day conference packed with trainings, exclusive briefings, and team-building exercises,...
Off-Campus, But in Touch: Students Learn Tools From CAMERA Conference to Fight Antisemitism
Due to global coronavirus pandemic, this year’s CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis) student conference was held via Zoom, teaching students how to effectively combat anti-Israel and biased propaganda on college campuses and online. Unable to attend the typical five-day, in-person training session in Boston, more...
British and Israeli Students Enhance Campus Strategy at CAMERA’s Annual Conference
The CAMERA on Campus ninth annual international leadership conference was held from the evening of August 11-16 in Boston, USA. Close to a dozen UK students and a number of Israeli students were in attendance this year. The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), was founded...
At Summer Conference, Pro-Israel Students Learn Tools to Respond to Hostile Campus Environment
Universities have long been one of the toughest environments for pro-Israel students. They have battled stilted curriculums when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and more recently, grappled with on-campus pressure in the face of growing BDS activity. Combined with a general uptick in anti-Semitism, including the deadly shootings in...
With Rise in Campus Antisemitism, CAMERA Conference to Train Student Activists
Boston, MA, July 24, 2019 – Students from more than 80 campuses will be in Boston from August 12-15 for a high-level training conference on how to respond to the upsurge in campus antisemitism and anti-Israel activism. The campus department for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and...
My Silence Was Tantamount to Irresponsibility
Editor’s Note: If you are interested in bringing Shai to your campus during his Spring 2019 semester tour, please contact CAMERA on Campus. We must speak out against the new Antisemitism Being a television and media personality in North America has offered many an opportunity to speak on various topics both...
MUFI’s Exciting Year Ahead
Michal Golovanevsky, President of CAMERA-supported group Mustangs United for Israel at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo has the following updates from her group: CAMERA Boston Conference Our treasurer, Jordan Kochavi, and I, had the pleasure of attending CAMERA’s Student Leadership Conference in Boston. CAMERA, the Committee for Accuracy in...