The University of Central Florida Emet for Israel supported organization, Knights for Israel, signed up for the International Fair as soon as we heard about it because we understood the opportunity this would be for us. Tabling throughout the semester, I now understand the sheer magnitude of unawareness some college students possess, having...
In 1982, PLO Knew of Israeli Aversion to Civilian Casualties
A 2003 American Army Field Manual (FM 3-06) on combat in cities and built up areas, titled “Urban Operations” analyzes the Israeli Army’s siege of Beirut in 1982, which was targeted at removing the PLO from Lebanon. Paragraph A-7 states: “The PLO knew of the Israeli aversion to causing civilian...
Recognizing Hezbollah as a terrorist group
Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rebecca Pritzker: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” –George Orwell On September 20th, 1984, Hezbollah—the terrorist group based in Lebanon and that is a proxy to Iran—targeted the United States embassy annex in Beirut. The car bomb that the...