4 minute read

The Double Standard of Campus Equality

Photo: Rick Dikeman at English Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons When studying past dystopias in school, we assure ourselves that we would never have fallen for the same propaganda that brainwashed millions. We insist that we would have been abolitionists in America or would have protested against racism in apartheid South Africa. Legislation...

3 minute read

IHRA Resolution and Defining Antisemitism

Every year, when Jews around the world observe Purim, they finish the Megillah and celebrate that the Jews of ancient Persia were saved. The story of Purim is unique among Jewish stories because the Persian Jews’ salvation came by way of human initiative — through the relentless efforts of Mordechai...

3 minute read

The Libelous Claims on National SJP’s Panel

On February 19, 2021, the Institute for Policy Studies’ Middle East Fellow Khury Petersen-Smith and the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) organization shared their latest iteration of antisemitic libels and hypocrisy during “Freedom Intertwined: Organizing for Collective Liberation,” a virtual panel hosted by NSJP. The event framed Palestinian self-determination...

< 1 minute read

UCL Student Union Sidesteps Jewish Students (& Reality) on IHRA

Photo: Steve Cadman/Wikimedia Commons On February 3rd, the University College London Students Union’s Welfare & Community Zone held a special session on a proposal calling to support the UCL Academic Board Working Group’s December 2020 ‘Report on Racism and Prejudice. ‘ The report advised the College to rescind the International Holocaust Remembrance...

4 minute read

The Irony of Israel-Nazi Comparisons on College Campuses

Photo: German Federal Archive/Wikimedia Commons On a Spring day in 2018 during the March of Return riots, Palestinians at the Gaza border flew a swastika-emblazoned kite carrying a Molotov cocktail into Israel. From the black smoke of burning tires arose another swastika, only this time interposed between two Palestinian flags....

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