In December 2016, the Israeli Students Association at York University received numerous complaints from Israeli students at Ryerson concerning the social media use of a Contract Lecturer within Ryerson’s Department of Geography & Environmental Studies. After a thorough investigation, it was concluded that the lecturer is in fact using her...
Teen Magazine Promotes Conspiracy Theory from Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Affinity Magazine is a publication written by and for teenagers. Its Editor-in-Chief, Evelyn Woodsen, is nineteen, and its Senior Editor Alex Brown is in high school. Its website gets between 200,000 and 600,000 views per month, and it claims that it “serves a purpose of showcasing the voices of aspiring...
Statement on Anti-Semitic Fliers Distributed at University of Illinois
This week, a horrifying flyer was distributed in the University of Illinois, Chicago. Aviva Slomich, International Campus Director of CAMERA, made the following statement in response to this horrendous anti-Semitism. “My grandfather fought the Nazis and their fascist allies in WWII, my father stood up against the Neo Nazis and...
The Guardian Whitewashes Charges of Antisemitism Against Malia Bouattia
An article in the Guardian, written by their education correspondent Sally Weale, focused on recent reports of hate crimes targeting Jews at Exeter, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Sussex and University College London. Among the people interviewed in the article (UK universities urged to a tackle rising tide of antisemitism, Feb. 18th) was NUS President Malia Bouattia....
PBS Hosts Extremist Miko Peled on Talk Show
On February 2, PBS’s Tavis Smiley hosted Miko Peled on his talk show. Peled is a radical anti-Israel activist who has, in the past, falsely described Israel as an apartheid state, referred to Israeli airport security officers as the “Smiling Gestapo,” and defended terrorists. On Smiley’s program, Peled: called Jewish history...
Atmosphere on Campus Influenced Our Attackers
A number of weeks ago, Cambridge University’s Middle East and North Africa Forum, of which I am a founder and co-president, had the pleasure of hosting Mark Regev, Israel’s ambassador to the UK. The event was a fantastic success. Unfortunately, the fact an Israel-related event on a UK campus took...
Statement on Firing of Antisemitic Oberlin Professor
Oberlin College has finally fired Joy Karega following the exposure last January of her incredibly antisemitic Facebook posts. In response to the news that Oberlin College has terminated Karega, Aviva Slomich, International Campus Director for CAMERA stated, “Joy Karega is a disgrace to academia. It’s appalling that a professor would...
The Truth Is On Our Side – And The UCL Protesters Know It
Somehow this will become our fault. On the evening of October 27th, London students were trapped in a room on University College London’s campus until the police deemed it safe enough to let them out. Protesters banged on the doors, jumped through the windows to get inside, tackling students on their way in,...