4 minute read

Marginalizing Womanhood and Judaism on Campus

In 1851, Sojourner Truth—abolitionist, feminist and former slave—delivered her pivotal speech titled “Ain’t I a Woman?” at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio. She shared her strife, her struggle and her ever-growing frustration with society and government alike. Just released from the oppressive grasp of slavery, she sought to...

< 1 minute read

The Hidden History of Bulgarian Jewry

Photo: Vassia Atanassova – Spiritia/Wikimedia Commons Plovdiv – the second largest city in Bulgaria and yet relatively unknown internationally. I hadn’t heard of it until a recent visit, but to my surprise Plovdiv has a rich history dating all the way back to the Neolithic period, with remains practically on the...

3 minute read

Are Middle Eastern Studies Biased?

Education was a field I chose to study because I wanted to teach history and other people’s narratives in an empathetic way. However, this has not been presently happening in many of America’s universities. Professors in many departments are teaching about Israel in their classrooms at campuses across America. Though,...

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