למרבה הצער, אך באופן לא מפתיע, קמפוס ה- UNC Chapel Hill שוב הוטרד בפעילות אנטי-ציונית ואנטישמית. תא ה- SJP (סטודנטים למען הצדק בפלסטין) של UNC Chapel Hill הודיע זה עתה על תוכניתם להחרים פעילות נוספת הקשורה לישראל – הפעם, טיול חינם לישראל באביב בין התאריכים 6-15 במרץ, ויצא בהצהרה מפורטת...
A Message to Pro-Israel Students: Fight Back and Make the Case for Israel
On many college campuses today, anti-Zionist organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) incorrectly portray Israel as a racist, white supremacist country. The success of these groups can be attributed to their use of intersectional ideas (the “interconnected” nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, and...
אובדן התמימות: זכויות בינלאומיות של ילדים באזורי מלחמה
אפשר היה לחשוב שבשנת 2020, רוב האנשים יסכימו שיש משהו מיוחד בתמימות של ילדים שצריך לגונן עליה ולשמר אותה זמן רב ככל האפשר. כמה אמהות ואבות לוקחים את הרעיון הזה צעד אחד קדימה בכך שהם לא מאפשרים להם לעשות שום דבר מחשש שייפגעו, ויש הורים אחרים שהם ההפך הגמור –...
Stop Using Federal Money to Finance Anti-Zionism at US Colleges
Benjamin Franklin once said that “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” He was right — but what “interest” is the Federal government gaining from their funding of certain American universities’ Middle East Studies programs? If we go by Title VI of the Higher Education Act (Title VI/HEA) criteria, educators should...
What’s the Deal With all That Aid to Israel?
You’ve seen it on the news, in social media or on the Internet: a report on some U.S. policy recently enacted relating to Israel or an Israeli policy the media deemed necessary to headline. You look at a comments page and see messages about how America sends Israel $30 billion...
The Illusion of Allies and Enemies
“No Peace, No Recognition, No Negotiations”. The famous 3 No’s from the 1967 Khartoum Resolution where the Arab states proudly declared their hatred and isolation towards Israel. However, Khartoum proved two key points; necessity breeds cooperation and time brings forth new realities. The past few years have witnessed a dramatic...
Another Example of SJP’s Anti-Normalization Campaign
Sadly, but unsurprisingly, UNC Chapel Hill’s campus has once again been plagued with anti-Zionist and antisemitic rhetoric. UNC Chapel Hill’s SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) chapter just announced their plan to boycott yet another Israeli-related activity—this time, a free spring-break trip to Israel from March 6-15, and has released a detailed...
Tu’Bishvat: Why “Jewish Earth Day” is More Than Just Tree-Hugging
Wander into UCL’s Student Centre and it is unlikely you will anticipate the “Outstanding” rating for sustainability performance. Trained eyes may appraise the “highly durable” infrastructure or even the “efficient sanitary fittings”. However, the “ground source heat pump system” and other subterranean environmentalist features are more likely to pass unremarked....