3 minute read

קמפיין “החילופים הקטלניים” השקרי של UMASS SJP

ב-1.3.21, התא הסטודנטיאלי של UMASS SJP (סטודנטים למען צדק בפלסטין) באוניברסיטת מסצ’וסטס החליט לקיים אירוע לזכר צעירים פלסטינים אשר ״נרצחו״ על ידי המשטרה הישראלית. חשוב להדגיש שבניגוד לטענות הפוסט המדובר, רוב האירועים המוזכרים לא אירעו בין משטרת ישראל לצעירים פלסטינים אלא התרחשו בין צה״ל לבינם. זהו עיוות משמעותי ש-UMASS SJP עושים, שתואם את הנרטיב שלהם,...

< 1 minute read

Why can’t we talk about Antisemitism?

Does Britain care about antisemitism? We profess to, and the value of protecting ethnic minorities is part of a desire for social justice that characterises western, liberal democracies. However, the entire thesis of Times’ Book of the Year “Jews Don’t Count“, by author David Baddiel, argues that Jews are often excluded from...

2 minute read

Antisemitism is spreading wings

Anti-Zionist organizations, which supposedly advocate for human rights, incite hatred against Jews around the world with horrific results.This is especially widespread on Twitter, where the spread of lies is uniquely prevalent.  On November 18th of 2021, Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Illinois at Chicago (SJP UIC)...

2 minute read

Statement Regarding Harvard Crimson Editorial Board Decision to Endorse BDS

The Crimson editorial board’s decision to endorse the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign and pledge support to the extremist student organization, Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee, should be deeply concerning for students, academics, and members of the Harvard community. The editorial board claims to have “wrestled” with Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians...

7 minute read

Why the Harvard Crimson’s Call for BDS is Dead Wrong

The Harvard Crimson has published an anonymous statement by its Editorial Board in favor of the notorious Boycott, Divest and Sanctions campaign (BDS) against Israel: In Support of Boycott, Divest, Sanctions and a Free Palestine. Despite the editorial’s portentous style, as a Harvard alumnus (GSAS 1987) I do feel it’s important to respond in an...

< 1 minute read

HOOP Stands Against Palestinians

For Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine (HOOP), degrading Israel is more important than supporting Palestinians. They don’t care that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) abandon airstrikes, drop warning leaflets, call and text residents and roof-knock to avoid civilian casualties or that Israel uses the most precise rocketry technology available to...

3 minute read

UMass Student Newspaper Spreads Lies About Israel and Defends Terrorism

Anti-Israel activists often draw unreasonable and overly simplistic comparisons between the Arab-Israeli conflict and social causes from police brutality to climate justice. Such conflations are often misleading and intellectually dishonest. A recent column in The Daily Collegian titled Palestinian Perspectives: The double standards of war by Ruya Hazeyen proved no...

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