3 minute read

Anti-Semitism is Everywhere but Belongs Nowhere

Contributed by CAMERA Fellow Ali Jabick. Ali is the Fellow at the University of Connecticut. This piece was originally published in The Daily Campus on April 6th, 2015. I recently spoke to my friend who is currently studying abroad in London about her experiences. Due to anti-Semitic sentiment and violent attacks in Europe, she...

2 minute read

Bruins for Israel Stood Strong in 2014-2015

Contributed by CAMERA intern Aaron Hunt. On November 18 last year, the Undergraduate Students Association Council at UCLA passed a resolution that calls for the university to divest from American companies doing business in Israel.  The resolution, promoted by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), is part of the BDS...

2 minute read

Playing for Peace at the University of Michigan

Contributed by CAMERA intern Emma Fruchtman. To conclude the University of Michigan’s Second Annual Wolverines for Israel Conference, Professor Michael Leitner of California State University at Chico shed new light on the Arab-Israeli conflict. He presented the idea of “Playing for Peace,” programs which bring together children of different backgrounds...

8 minute read

Our 2015 David Bar Illan Award winners

On Sunday a record 600-plus guests attended the annual Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) awards gala in New York City. CAMERA honored activists including student leaders, a retired professor, and an internationally known journalist for their work in supporting Israel and upholding news media integrity...

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