2 minute read

CAMERA Participates in Amazing Israel Race

This past Sunday Tatiana-Rose Becker, CAMERA’s Southern Region Campus Coordinator, and I, CAMERA’s Midwest and West Coast Campus Coordinator, volunteered at the CJP “Amazing Israel Race” based at Boston University’s Hillel, and drawing students from surrounding schools. The race consisted of 40 teams who were all competing for an amazing prize, money...

2 minute read

SAIPA Spins the Wheel at Brandeis

Students for Accuracy about Israeli and Palestinian Affairs (SAIPA), the Brandeis University Emet for Israel group hosted, Wheel of Misconceptions: A Game Show Style Discussion about Israeli and Palestinian Affairs. The event was very successful and was attended by nearly 50 students! The idea of the game was to bring...

< 1 minute read

Happy Rosh Hashana!

Tonight the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana begins and Jews all over the world will be celebrating the new year and wishing each other a “shana tova u’mituka” (a sweet and good year). There are many customs associated with Rosh Hashana such as prayer, greeting cards, and even dipping apples...

2 minute read

Two Nations, One Heart

Today, after 14 years, people across America take time to mourn the thousands of people who lost their lives in the September 11th terror attacks on the Pentagon, Twin Towers and Flight 93. While most would see the killing of innocent civilians as something to mourn, some on the day...

< 1 minute read

BUZO’s General Interest Meeting

Opening events are key to any successful Israel group. Before bringing speakers, hosting film screenings and creating other events, it is important to find students who can help organize and plan these things. General interest meetings, sometimes called GIMs, are a great way to get to know the pro-Israel students on...

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