Editor’s Note: If you are interested in bringing Shai to your campus during his Spring 2019 semester tour, please contact CAMERA on Campus. We must speak out against the new Antisemitism Being a television and media personality in North America has offered many an opportunity to speak on various topics both...
Discrimination in Sports Reveals Harsh Double-Standard
The ability of competition to help mediate political conflict is a powerful force. Often times in the international arena we are able to witness athletes from varying nations, often ones who are hostile to one another, come together and achieve a temporary peace when competing in sporting events. This is...
When art becomes Antisemitism
On October 4th at the University of Michigan,, during an installment of the Penny Stamps Speaker Series (a required lecture series for all art students hosted by the Stamps School of Art and Design), guest speaker Emory Douglas gave a presentation that focused on intentionally provocative art. Unfortunately, he gave...
Meet ‘Joe,’ bringing objectivity to Mideast reporting in 280 characters or less
Since March, the Gazan border has played host to a series of violent demonstrations. Thousands of rioters, some of whom are armed with hand grenades, Molotov cocktails, and slingshots, regularly amass along the border. As a whole, major media outlets have failed to accurately and objectively cover the events of the...
Free Speech Does Not Include Violence
Physical violence is not protected by the First Amendment As the US Air Force C-17 left Afghan airspace, I allowed myself to relax for a brief moment. My year-long tour in Kabul, Afghanistan was over. Returning home, I thought of those fellow soldiers, including my Command Sergeant Major, who had...
CAMERA Conference Emboldens Students to Stand Up For Israel
(London, United Kingdom) — Some 20 students from the UK and Ireland participated in the first high-level training conference that prepares students to respond to campus anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activism of its kind. The first annual CAMERA on Campus UK Student Leadership Conference was held on Sunday, October 14th in...
Taking Anti-Semitism Seriously
Concerns of pro-Israel and Jewish students are valid and should not be dismissed I am a Zionist. Not only am I a Zionist, but I am a female, Jewish person of color and I have never felt more marginalized in my lifetime. When Zionists are boxed into the categories of...
An Open Letter to Sarah Tuttle-Singer
Historical realities must be carefully considered for peace Sarah, Within the past few months, we have seen a drastic change in the US approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. UNRWA was defunded, the Palestinian leadership has been battered with criticism, and US financial aid to the Palestinian leadership was severely cut....